About Us

QA Flare is a hybrid platform & service that helps software teams ship better software faster by taking QA completely off their plate.

QA Flare gets web/mobile apps to 80% automated end-to-end test coverage in weeks, not years.

Bugs sneak out when less than 80% of user flows are tested before shipping. But getting that kind of coverage — and staying there — is hard and pricey for any sized team. That’s why we built QA Flare. We take testing off your plate. ‍ We get you complete coverage in just 4 months and keep you there with 24-hour maintenance and on-demand test creation. You get unlimited, parallel test runs on our infrastructure, and we guarantee zero flakes. It’s like magic but it’s QA Flare.

Full-time QA Flares engineers in India support distributed teams and nocturnal developers day and night. They review each failure and file only real, human-verified bug reports. The flakes get yanked out, fixed, and re-run before you even notice.

Ready to ship faster and with fewer bugs? Get started today